Mandatory student fees are assessed to all students at Georgia College & State University. At GC, the mandatory student fees include:
- Student Activity Fee - To support social entertainments, recreational sports, student media, SGA, campus-wide events, and registered student organizations.
- Athletics Fee - To support intercollegiate athletics at Georgia College.
- Health Fee - To support the operational costs of the Student Health Center clinic and programs and staff within the Wellness and Recreation Center.
- Technology Fee - To support infrastructure, software, and support services for student technology use.
- Bobcat Card Fee - To fund a portion of the annual support and maintenance all equipment associated with the Bobcat Card.
- Sustainability Fee - To support sustainability initiatives. Also known as "the Green Fee".
- Parking Fee and Transportation Enhancement Fee - To support transportation services including shuttles and maintenance of surface parking.
- Activity Center Fee - For the purchase and renovation of the Student Activities Center.
- Wellness Center Fee - To fund operational costs and pay the construction bond of the 101,000 square-foot Wellness and Recreation Center (WRC).
Mandatory Fee Committee
The fees are reviewed each year and voted on by the Advisory Mandatory Student Fee Committee, which must be composed of at least 50% students and include representation of graduate students, part-time students, residential students, and commuter students. Currently, the Advisory Mandatory Student Fee Committee comprises nine students, two faculty, and two staff.
The Advisory Mandatory Student Fee Committee convenes in the fall to hear presentations on the state of each fee and any proposed changes to the fees. The committee votes to approve the fee structure each year.
The introduction of new fees, the repurposing of fees, or the increase of any fee by 20% or more must be voted on by a student body referendum.
Any student interested in serving on the Advisory Mandatory Student Fee Committee is invited to contact Fina Endere at Georgia College & State University strives for broad representation on the committee. Students are asked to commit to serving for two years.